Monday, December 03, 2007


eavesdropped: spelling bee

A grade school kid and her somewhat gay male nanny were reviewing for a spelling bee. Everyone on the bus could hear them. Only funny things can ever come out of this:

Gay Male Nanny: “Courageous”

Kid: “C-o-u-r-a-g-e-o-u-s”

Gay Male Nanny: “Gourmet”

Kid: “G-o-u-r-m-e-t”

Gay Male Nanny: “Aisle”

Kid: “A-i-s-l-e”

Gay Male Nanny: “Queet”

Kid: (puzzled) “Queet?”

Gay Male Nanny: “Ay, quiet pala… ay hindi, quite. Quite.”

Kid: “Q-u-i-t-e”

I try as hard as I can to keep a straight face. No go. I laugh through my nose in short bursts. That day I was late for work. But it’s ok. I didn’t mind.

curiosity killed the cat:
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